Year 7
The castle project was quite a lengthy one, so if you have not finished that, please complete that.
If you finish that, please complete the worksheet found at
If you do not have your exercise books, please do it on paper.
Any problems, please contact me at
Thanks, Mr Chris.
Year 8
The work on Elizabeth was quite lengthy, so if you have not finished that, please complete that.
If you finish that, please complete the worksheet found at
If you do not have your exercise books, please do it on paper.
Any problems, please contact me at
Thanks, Mr Chris.
Year 9
The project on the diseases in Victorian London was quite lengthy, so if you have not finished that, please complete that.
If you finish that, please complete the worksheets about Jack the Ripper found at You will need the username (st_stephens) and password (1234) to access this website.
If you do not have your exercise books, please do it on paper.
Any problems, please contact me at
Year 10
Hopefully now, you will have completed the work about the failure of the League of Nations in the 1930s. This is the end of this particular module, so the first thing I would like you to do is to do a practice exam question. a) Describe the successes of the League of Nations in peacekeeping in the 1920s. (5) b) Explain how the Japanese invasion of Manchuria showed the weaknesses of the League. (7) c) What was the most important cause of the failure of the League of Nations; the Depression or the Abyssinian Crisis? Explain your answer, remember to argue both sides of the