Please take a minute to compose yourself for what you are about to experience is like no other. Now that you are settled, if this is your first time indulging in the midnight cult sensation that is Rocky Horror Picture Show, there are a few things you must know, and antici (“say it!”) pate. This movie has no real point, except be yourself, express your sexuality and just have fun.
First, you will need your props : red lipstick (keep this out, as we will use it in a moment) - rice (to be thrown at the wedding) - water pistols (back row squirts the front rows during rain scene) - newspapers (for front and middle rows to shield themselves from rain) – flashlights, cell phone or cigarette lighters ("There's a Light" verse of "Over at Frankenstein Place") - rubber gloves (during and after the creation speech, Frank snaps his gloves three times) - noisemakers (the Transylvanians applaud Frank's creation - so should you) - toilet paper (preferably "Scott's" brand [when Brad yells "Great Scott!", throw a roll] ) - confetti (at the end of the "Charles Atlas" reprise, the Transylvanians throw confetti) - toast (when Frank proposes a toast at dinner) - party hat (when Frank puts on his hat to wish Rocky happy birthday, so does the audience) - bell ("When we made it/did you hear a bell ring?") –a deck of cards ("Cards for sorrow/cards for pain"). Some props we will not discuss; however, they are important to know if you are a participant. Now, we are ready to dive into what Rocky is, but first things first. Since you have not experienced Rocky before, please grab your tube of red lipstick and mark a ‘V’ on your forehead, so we can tell who the Virgins are.
Now that we have our props, we need to learn the history of the movie before we get to the fun part. Rocky Horror Picture Show was not always as popular as it became when it hit the midnight showings. First written as a play