Aim – Investigate a tourist honeypot site (Castleton)
Hypothesis – Honeypot sites, such as Castleton, face more socio-economic and environmental challenges due to tourism, than non-honeypot sites, such as Bamford.
I have chosen this hypothesis because it will allow me to examine how tourism has caused challenges in Castleton and therefore help me structure this assessment and enable me and aid me to reach my aim.
Geographical Key Concepts
Honey Pot Site: A place with outstanding natural beauty or historical interest that attracts tourists in large numbers. (oxford dictionary of geography: S.Mahew) Tourism: Short term movement to a place where people don’t live or work. (new wider world text book: Waugh)
Challenges: A difficulty that needs to be overcome.
Location of Study
Castleton is located in the northern central part of England. The Peak District is South West of Sheffield. Castleton is located along the Hope Valley, around 12 miles to the left of Sheffield and 15 miles to the right of Manchester. It is a hilly landscape with a rough pasture. Bamford is located more to the east of the Hope Valley whereas Castleton is located more to the right.
The purpose of this investigation was “to investigate a tourist honeypot site”. To achieve this I needed to explore and identify how tourism might affect a place and how this might lead to socio-economic and environmental challenges. To do this I researched two different types of settlements, one that had a high tourist count, Castleton, and one that did not, Bamford. I then went to these places to compare the two locations and see which settlement faced more socio-economic and environmental challenges, the honeypot site with many tourists or the village containing little tourism.
To obtain the results that were required for each place we did three things:
1) Noise Surveys
2) Environmental Survey
3) Traffic Survey
In order