I’ve broke up with him fro no reason, randomly disappear for lengths at a time. I’ve most likely called him names that I know I can not take back. We’ll be in a relationship and I’ll keep him a secret, and for what? But I will not forget the biggest mistake I have made. Cat fishing him. Like, okay, I didn’t know why I did it. Maybe because I was an insecure immature little shit at the time or I just thought that he’d never talk to me. …show more content…
I actually found somebodyy who gave a damn about me, and my dumbass has to go and fuck it up. I int deserve him at all, and I know he knows that. But he stuck by my side, even when I didn’t stay by his. I kept breaking his heart over and over again. And to this day, I still don’t know why he stayed in the first place.
I only told half of the story to my friend alex. made it seem like I was the innocent in all their, when I know I’m really not. He always said the Roy was toxic and that he’s not good for mr, but Alex is wrong. He isn’t the toc one, I am. I’m not good for him. I read him like shit and all he was trying to do was love me. But I have him nothing. Ive hurt him so many times than I’ll love to admit but I regret all of it.
When he thinks of me, I want him to think go the good and none of the bad. I want him to think about the long hour phone calls, how much he makes me laugh at 4 am in the morning. The fact that I’m moving back o calfornia for him when I’m 18. I don’t want to lose him, I can’t. But I know that if i keep fucking up,. I will lose