These guidelines consist of 25 pages and two appendices.
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Computer Applications Technology
Practical Assessment Task (PAT) 2013
Guidelines for the Teacher
This section consists of 6 pages.
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Computer Applications Technology
2 NSC (Guidelines for Teacher)
DBE/PAT 2013
The PAT in Computer Applications Technology
The 2013 Grade 12 PAT addresses the role and value of reading. In 2005, systemic evaluation suggested that the reading competency of 63% of learners in the intermediate phase was below their age level. Daily News writes: "In the cyber age, the task of nurturing a love of the written word in youngsters is a tough one. Books are not as cool as gizmos. But they mean growth for those who turn to them." Educational researchers have found that there is a strong correlation between reading and academic success and have also found a strong correlation between reading and vocabulary knowledge. Other research indicates that: "Reading has declined among every group of adult Americans: every age group, educational group, income group, region and race." Researchers warn: "... that as increasing numbers of Americans put down their books, they also invest less in the nation's civic and cultural life." The learner needs to gather information regarding the role and value of reading as well as other aspects that involve reading, such as why people read or do not read, what causes them not to read, what value they gain from reading, what type of reading material they prefer, how much they read, etc. They also need to gather information about organisations (such as Biblionef or RASA), reading programmes (such as South Africa's National Reading Strategy), software to improve reading competency, what it entails, how it encourages people to read, etc. Eventually the learner