Formal Analysis
Catal Huyuk, a community village believed to have exist sometime between 6500 ' 5500 BCE, is the largest Neolithic site currently preserved, and, furthermore, the only village of its kind that has been recorded in history. Catal Hulk is located in the south of Analtolia, which is referred to now as modern day Turkey. As far as preservation goes, Catal Hulk has withstood the test of time in fairly good condition ' after 8,000 years the site was discovered in decent condition as well as certain artifacts that were found, appearing far less aged than they should have been. Although not entirely perfect, pottery dating over 7,000 years old was found with little to no weathering, and the designs still intact. Due to the simple fact that Catal Huyuk is the only Neolithic site found on record, it is difficult to judge whether or not such architecture was typical of this period or not. Although Paleolithic and Neolithic tribes were thought to be primarily nomadic, it is not impossible (as demonstrated by Catal Huyuk) for them to settle, especially with the development of domesticated animals. Catal Huyuk is an entirely geometric architectural creation. “The inhabitants lived in single-story buildings clustered around shared courtyards, used as garbage dumps.”[1] Catal Huyuk was designed without the implementation of roads or plazas of any kind; however, it was simply unnecessary. The buildings were designed in a way that residents of Catal Huyuk could traverse rooftops to get to other homes. Their protection relied on “continuous, unbroken exterior walls, which made it easy to defend.”[2] One difficulty the people of Catal Huyuk may have encountered was lighting the interiors of their homes. Although fire was a means of illumination, the most effective daytime light source, the sun, would, more often than not, be unable to provide adequate lighting in the buildings. This is due, in part, to the limited construction of windows in
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