1. Holden is the narrator of the entire story and he promises to tell the story of his crazy Christmas
2. DB is Holden’s brother and he calls him a prostitute because he sells himself as a writer.
3. Pencey Prep is the school Holden attends.
4. Holden is leaving because he failed all his classes but one, he feels passive.
Chapter 2
1. Mr. Spencer is his history teacher and Holden visits him because he is a nice guy
2. Holden describes himself as an average guy?
3. Mr. Spencer reads the essay because it is a failure of an essay, a joke. Holden is not happy by having the essay read aloud to him.
4. Whooton and Elkton Hills are old schools, which Holden left because they stunk too.
Chapter 3
1. Holden bought a red hat in New York
2. Holden likes DB, Lardner, and Isak Dinese. No, I don’t enjoy these writers.3. Ackley is Holden’s neighbor. Holden seems to not really like him and I do not blame him. The kid is a punk.
4. Stradlater is his roommate, a beefy conceited ladies man.
Chapter 4
1. Stradlater asks Holden to write an essay for him
2. Stradlater’s date is Jane, a girl Holden likes.
3. Jane was an old neighbor of Holden and he liked her. Holden is upset that Stradlater is dating her.
Chapter 5
1. Holden goes to Agerstown to see a movie. Ends up back at his room writing that essay.
2. After failing to write on such a simple essay topic, Holden writes about a baseball glove his brother used to write poems upon in green ink.
3. Allie was Holden’s brother. He was a rather intelligent and innocent child. Holden loved him.
4. Allie died several years before; he would be 2 years younger than Holden, which puts him at 14, compared to Holden at 16.
Chapter 6
1. Holden is worried about how Stradlater’s date with Jane went.
2. Stradlater doesn’t like the “composition” because it has absolutely nothing to do with the essay topic. Understandably he is annoyed. Holden sensing this irritation tears up the essay which initiates tension only