Marco Antonio Gómez López 75705
María Lourdes Lara Rosete
Julieta Morales
Chapter 20
Holden is in a bar listening to Babe Valencia that sang better than Old Tina and Janine. He told the headwaiter to ask old Valencia if she’d care to join him for a drink, but the head waiter didn’t gave her the message.
Eventually he got drunk and went out where the telephones where and wanted to call old Jane but he wasn’t in the mood and finally decided to call old Sally Her grandmother answered, after talking with her, Holden convinced her to put Sally on the phone but after a while Sally realized he was dunked and hung up.
Then he returned to the bar, and ask the piano man that played with Valencia if he can give her his message but he refuse to do it to and leave the please. He started to cry, but he didn’t know why. Holden leaved the bar, and tryed to get a bus, but he couldn’t so he started to walk over the park. He was looking for the ducks but didn’t find them. Then something terrible happened, he dropped old Phoebe’s record and all he could do is to pick up all the pieces. He sat on a bench and because it was so cold he started thinking that he was going to cough pneumonia and he was going to die and remember what happen in the funeral of Allie.
Chapter 21
Holden decided to go home with Phoebe because he thinks he was going to die from pneumonia. He arrived to his house and start looking for Phoebe, he was on D.B. room. After watching all the stuff around the room and Phoebe’s notebooks he awaked her. Phoebe was very glad to see Holden, and they were talking about a letter she wrote to him, about a play in the school, and that she wanted him to be there. Also they talked about her parents, about a new movie Phoebe watched, if D.B. was going o go on Christmas and about a boy that pushed Phoebe down the stairs and so on. Suddenly in the middle of the conversation Phoebe discovered that Holden was kicked out of school.