for a while? Now, this isn’t to say I haven’t learned lessons from fiction; Song of Solomon has taught me all about the dangers of greed, and Life of Pi has given me a different perspective on religion. Although literature gives me ideas and new perspectives, I don’t view literature as my guide to the human experience. Rather, I believe individuals must grow through true, personal experience. Live life ourselves. We learn best from our own mistakes and successes, not those of others. Literature serves as a means of conveying unique emotions and experiences to others, not a means of explanation.
On the other hand, I’ve gained great academic and political knowledge from reading nonfiction, certainly shaping my opinions. Everything from economic philosophy to contemporary articles shape my ever changing knowledge. Aftershock, a book from the Keynesian school of economic thought, shaped my opinions on economics and government, and The Big Short changed my perception of modern finance. Although non-fiction shapes my knowledge, like fiction, it does not shape my personal life. Although I find reading informative, practical, and thought-provoking, it doesn’t contribute to my self-discovery.