No one can help Holden because he does not allow them to. He does not want to let anyone in or for anyone to get close to him because he fears that they will hurt him or just use him to their advantage. He seems to always be in isolation away from people and he runs from those who care about him. He pushes away anything and everything that could help. In his mind, there is no one who can help him because he thinks that he is a lost case. Holden also will not allow anyone to help him because he thinks people are phonies and do …show more content…
He is emotionally unstable throughout the entire book. He needs someone who can show him that people do care and can help him; someone that can make him change his mind about everyone being phony. He needs to be taught how to interact with people properly. Holden needs to change his mentality and his view point in life. Holden needs attention and does not want to grow up.
Teenagers, in general, need help in the way they view the world and what is given to them. In the society that teenagers are currently growing up in seems to teach them to under value everything. Teenagers grow up pushing away everyone like Holden and then complain that no one listens to them or understands them. Adolescents need a change in society, in what is taught to them, what they are exposed to, and the way they value. It seems as if teenagers have lost all respect for everything