Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye. Self-inflicted isolation, portrayed by Salinger’s protagonist, Holden Caulfield, does not have the same effect on an individual as social isolation does. Self-inflicted isolation is not the most detrimental form of isolation, as it is a chosen path to take. Holden describes this state of isolation as he reflects, “ I don’t even know what I was running for-I guess I just felt like it” (Salinger 5). Running is used as a symbol to refer to this character’s chosen decline into isolation. Throughout the novel, Holden has multiple chances to regain his mental stability. These chances are symbolized by the multiple opportunities to call Jane Gallagher, the character who represents Holden’s innocence and sanity. By not taking this chance, Holden has made a choice that leads him further into isolation. Salinger made himself an example of this self-infliction as he isolated himself from
Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye. Self-inflicted isolation, portrayed by Salinger’s protagonist, Holden Caulfield, does not have the same effect on an individual as social isolation does. Self-inflicted isolation is not the most detrimental form of isolation, as it is a chosen path to take. Holden describes this state of isolation as he reflects, “ I don’t even know what I was running for-I guess I just felt like it” (Salinger 5). Running is used as a symbol to refer to this character’s chosen decline into isolation. Throughout the novel, Holden has multiple chances to regain his mental stability. These chances are symbolized by the multiple opportunities to call Jane Gallagher, the character who represents Holden’s innocence and sanity. By not taking this chance, Holden has made a choice that leads him further into isolation. Salinger made himself an example of this self-infliction as he isolated himself from