
Catcher In The Rye Quotes About Growing Up

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Catcher In The Rye Quotes About Growing Up
Someone that I enjoy talking to is my best friend Victoria, she has been my friend for 5 years now. I enjoy talking to her because we always have something to talk about plus there’s never an awkward moment between us. I am normally pretty quiet but if you are my friend you know I can be quite talkative. Victoria is pretty talkative too, we have a lot in common therefore we can talk about anything because we both like mostly the same things. Victoria is also a very loyal friend, which is a very important quality someone I enjoy talking to must have, I feel like I can tell her anything.
Holden means that every time a girl does something cute or something you like, even if they are not physically attractive or even if they are a little unintelligent,
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Holden has now been kicked out of four schools, this shows Holden being irresponsible and resisting growing up. Holden feels that the world is full of phonies and the only innocent ones are the children because they haven’t grown up and become “perverted”. This is essentially why Holden is trying to resist growing up, he doesn’t want to become a phony like everyone else School is supposed to prepare kids for the future and life in general, Holden hasn’t experienced this in school yet because he wants to hold onto his innocence. Rather than growing up, being kicked out of schools is one way that Holden is able to hold on to his innocence. I think growing up is inevitable, everyone has to grow up and be responsible some time in their life, therefore Holden will not be able to stay innocent …show more content…
I was too busy pretending that the black part of the checkered floor was lava and I had to step on the white parts or else I’d die in the lava. This was a pretty normal thing that I did with almost every store that had checkered floors, but this time something serious happened. I was so absorbed in playing my little lava game that I lost my parents. It was terrifying and I was really small so I started crying. Then one of the store workers saw me and helped me find my parents, and it turns out that all along they were just in the next aisle casually browsing for

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