Throughout the story, Holden mostly complains or talks down on everyone he encounters in his life. Holden always found a way to point out every single one of one’s flaws. An example of Holden’s harshness was when he said to Stradlater,
“That’s just the trouble with all you morons. You never want to discuss anything. That’s the way you can always tell a moron” (Salinger 58). This quote shows Holden’s potential in being offensive even to his own friend. This shows Holden’s pessimistic views on the world and even the people that care about him. Along with being pessimistic, Holden was a very selfish boy. He did things to have pity from others or he always had to get what he wanted. When Stradlater came home from a date with Jane, Holden’s crush, Holden consistently kept bothering Stradlater with questions relating to Jane, which really was not his business. Since Stradlater did not answer his questions about what he did with Jane in Ed Banky’s car, Holden threw a fit like an immature child. It got to the point where he even fought Stradlater because he was so frustrated. Overall, Salinger did not do a good job of helping me understand the “problems of the human heart in conflict”. Although Holden was pessimistic, selfish, and nosy, it only revealed to me that in reality, mishaps like these occur often and if you do not do any of the hard work to get what you want, then you will end up with nothing. Holden was too blind to see that everyone in his life cared about him and his education. It was not towards the end of the book, that because of his litter sister, Phoebe, he was going to try to do his best in life. At last, Holden eventually matured a little more as he started to see the more important things in life, such as being there to support his sister as she grew up.