1. State your proposed ac as maxim:
“I will take ZAR 620 000 000. 00 (A) when I have done a year’s work (C) in order to get really, really rich (E).”
2. Restate this maxim as a universal law:
“All people (7 billion of them) will take ZAR 620 000 000. 00 when they have done a year’s work in order to get really, really rich.”
3. Ask whether your maxim is conceivable in a world ruled by the universal law:
In a world where all 7 billion people earned ZAR 620 000 000.00, everything would be perfect. There would be no inequality, in other words there would be perfect equality, there would also be no difference in society classes and everyone would be rich. In the real world, with everyone earning the same amount, supply and demand would collapse; senior positions would be filled by incompetent and inexperienced people. The economy would collapse and investors would no longer be interested in investing in such a market. Therefore, in all likelihood if all people in the world earned ZAR 620 000 000. 00 for a year’s work the economy would collapse and so it is highly likely that the maxim is not conceivable in a world ruled by universal law.
4. Ask whether you would rationally act on your maxim in such a world.
I would not rationally act on my maxim in such a world. If I were to earn ZAR 620, 000, 000, 00 for a year’s work, I would most probably stop working at an early age, do shopping sprees around the world and buy expensive cars every time they are released in the market. But after a while, the shopping sprees and the expensive cars would be exasperating and eventually would incur debts. In all likelihood, I would not rationally act on this maxim in such a world.
Step 2: form an opinion
What would Kant probably have said about Whitey Basson (or you) earning ZAR 620,000,000.00?
Kant would probably have said that it is highly unethical and immoral for Whitey Basson or any person to earn ZAR 620,000,000.00 for a year’s in such a world. Kant