When one thinks of the classic villain, one imagines a dark, nefarious man who will do everything in his power to destroy the protagonist in the most odious fashion, regardless of who gets in his way. He is selfish, neurotic, and downright detestable. In regards to Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë, a character that completely encapsulates this concept is Heathcliff. However, there is a character in the novel that rivals and surpasses his chaotic ability and is much more worthy of scorn. Although she does not display the typical, masculine archetype of a villain and does not exactly work against the protagonist, Catherine Earnshaw is evermore heinous and corrupt than her male counterpart. Catherine’s superiority complex, narcissism, manipulativeness,…
However, Zoe is actually initiated into the group of bullies, before she realises the error…
Does your stomach move outward and become emphasized when you stand up? Moreover, do you also have a forward head and a hunched upper back? In that case, you most likely have swayback posture, which is mainly due to tight hip flexors. Even worse, it ruins not only your body form but also may cause long-term physical complications. However, you are quite capable of correcting this posture with a few therapeutic exercises.…
The years between 1918 and 1933 were known as the Weimar years, it was during these years that Hannah Hoch created a remarkable group of photomontages that exemplify the response to the New Woman ( Lavin p5). In her work entitled " Dada-Ernst" Hoch visually depicts the conflicts Weimar woman faced in relationship to modernity.…
Life is a gift given by God. Lives are priceless, adventures and loving. For Mariam, loving life starts on Thursdays, waiting for her father Jalil by the window to show up in his fromal suite, run up to her and pick Mariam up and throw her up into the air, and sing : “‘ Lili lili birdbath, sitting on a dirt path, Minnow sat on the rim and drank, slipped, and in the water she sank’” (hosseini 22). However, these special moments with her father ends. Happiness ends when Mariam runs away from her mother to her father. Without no regard, Nana starts feeling betrail by her own daughter and suicides herself. Mariam does not know her mother tries to kill herself. Mariam feels that she was wrong in front of Nana, and that same exact day Mariam…
Catherine is a protagonist in the story, her personality is nice, protective, and self aware.Catherine's goal was to try to have a normal life without anyone knowing about Jason and trying not to get embarrass by her brother David.David's personality is outgoing, emotional, and friendly.I don't know David's actual goal for the story but I think that his goal is to be more of a normal person.Ryan is a antagonist, he's personality is impolite, bully, and a joker.Ryan's goal is to impress Kristi and to bully Catherine and David, but mostly David.Kristy's personality is nice and a lair.Kristi's goal is to make new friends in her new environment.Jason's personality is kind and outgoing.Jason's goal is to be good friends with Catherine.…
Thirdly, Timothy Dale (2010) argues that the public sphere is broader than some previous scholars claim. Initially believed by many academics to commonly take place within traditional institutions, Dale asserts that political expression also takes place in other forms such as in art and popular culture. He reasons that thinking more broadly about the public sphere opens up political comment to a multitude of spaces encompassing many forms of media, and thus includes television programming. He asserts that television’s mass appeal allows for creating dialogue within our culture, which means that it is possible for some television programming to operating as political comment. Therefore, taking Dale’s argument into account with Benjamin’s and…
For a long time historical pieces have been used through paintings and poems such as Penelope of the Odyssey, The tale of Penelope is about a brief time when she is longing for her husband to come back one day. When Odysseus was gone for the Trojan War for a long time, she had hope that her husband will come back one day. Penelope represented hope as one of the most hopeful women in form of themes that comes from many epic works on her. In the painting Penelope and the Suitors, John Williams Waterhouse uses the Suitors of Penelope to show that when people are gone for a long time their loved ones still have hope they will come home and the loved ones will be there waiting for them, while in her poem “Penelope,” Dorothy Parker uses the same scene to show that people long for their…
The object of this paper is to recognize the consumer behavior and the social marketing strategies on the Tom’s brand. Then I am going to compare it to the sketchers Bob’s brand, and explain the strengths and weaknesses of their company compared to Tom’s.…
Following the passing of the current abbess in 1137, I was chosen to be the new abbess. Rather than continuing as part of a monastery with units for both women and men under the management of a male, in 1147 I decided to move the monastery to Rupertsberg, where the convent wasn’t completely under the supervision of a male or male house. This gave me much more liberty as a commissioner, and I traveled regularly in France and German. In making the move to Rupertsberg I was following the order of God. I anticipated a stiff position, lying like a rock, the move of my convent was finally concluded in the year 1151.…
Yes, Catherine and Henry love each other; very much so, in fact. Throughout the course of their relationship, the pair defies the people and circumstances around them in order to be together. The relationship starts off with a twinge of tragedy; Catherine is mourning her lost fiance, killed during the Somme Offensive, and Henry is just looking to fool around. After Henry injures his leg in battle and he is sent to a hospital in Milan, Catherine is sent to the same hospital. The duo restart their connection, with the support of many of the other other nurses on duty at the hospital, including Misses Gage, Ferguson, and Walker. This happy time is not meant to last; Henry is sent back to the front. When he finds that he cannot stomach the war any longer and deserts, he manages to find his way back to Catherine. The pair end up leaving Italy altogether, canoeing to Switzerland. There, up until Catherine goes into labor, the young couple is very happy, and very in love.…
For Catherine, it was either Heathcliff or Edgar. The problem with Heathcliff and Catherine getting married is similarity. They are just too alike and Catherine acknowledges this when she states "he's more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same" (102). Essentially, they are one; the same person and Catherine see's eye to eye with this when she says "I am Heathcliff!" (102). This symbolizes why their love is not suited for this world. Given the time period and the way events followed one another, their love was best suited in the next realm. Edgar was everything she needed in this lifetime whereas Heathcliff was everything she wanted in every lifetime to come. Bronte's decision to allow Heathcliff and Catherine to be one and together in the next lifetime was the right decision as their love was so alike they ended up repelling each other. Opposites attracted, as…
The speaker can be seen as both a villain and lover of great art, but which is his true identity? In “My Last Duchess”, the duke’s deplorable wickedness makes the split between moral judgment and our actual feeling for him especially apparent. The effect created by the tension between sympathy and judgment is a striking characteristic of dramatic monologues. Throughout the poem, the Duke’s poise and wonderful taste for art makes the reader take on a sympathetic attitude toward the Duke. When the Duke shows his power and desire to control, however, we begin to question the Duke’s character and judge his motives. The way the reader perceives the Duke changes the reader’s perspective on the poem and situation of the Duke, yet Browning’s reasoning for doing this is inconclusive.…
‘My Last Duchess’ and ‘Things’ are both poems differing incredibly in length and structure, however they share and underlying sinister tone, conveyed by the eerie imagery both poets choose to write about. In Robert Browning’s poem, ‘My Last Duchess’, the first major source of imagery we encounter is the detail about the portrait of the Duchess on the wall, and the fictional author, Fra Pandolf. Boasting about the painting on the wall, the Duke adopts a cold and dispassionate tone when talking about his wife. Mentioning ambiguously that the Duchess is ‘[his] last’, it is implied that she is no longer alive. … I call…
Neither Isabella nor Catherine are forced into marrying, Heathcliff or Linton, respectively. Although they make their own choices, they realize, very soon, that they have entered a place where they will never be happy. For Isabella, it is Heathcliff's harsh treatment towards her. Whereas for Catherine, it is the self realization , that her love for Heathcliff, is stronger, than her love for Linton, and that she can not live without Heathcliff…