“Bishop is superior to bishop in rank; not in real power…the head of the Catholic world is not the centre of unity, except as having a primacy of order” (Misner 28). This quote illustrates that Anglicans interpret the Pope in communion with the Bishops as a council that is superior in rank, but not in power. In believing in this concept, Anglicans have a very hard time grasping the concept of Papal infallibility. The church states that “Papal infallibility is not a personal prerogative” (Glazier 124). This means that the pope is enabled the charism of infallibility only when he is in the act of defining a doctrine of faith or morals on the universal Church’s behalf. The pope is not above the church, he is rather a moral guide to the truth. Vatican I declared that papal definitions are “irreformable.” Irreformability does not mean that infallible teachings are perfect when they are announced, and are also allowed to be changed if need be (Tierney 37). Anglicans state that papal infallibility is impossible because deciding whether the Pope is essentially telling the truth compared to what scripture or tradition is stating cannot be proven. Anglicans take advantage of the fact that Catholics believe that the private or ordinary teaching of the Pope can be wrong, but the magisterium in communion with …show more content…
Anglicans have made their argument by stating the pope’s doctrines can in no way be considered infallible on the basis that scripture and tradition do not provide support for the pope’s claims, that the Pope is unable to work entirely alone, and that there is no limiting power between the pope in communion with the bishops. The Anglican Church has made it very clear in their point of view and beliefs on the matter of the papacy, but who is to say that all of these claims can be justified and supported? The Catholic Church holds very strong, faith based teachings and morals. The Church is constantly contradicted. Catholics trust that everything God does is out of love for us. He has made a clear path for centuries and we are his loyal disciples that He has called on us to follow him. With that calling, comes the responsibility of defending the Catholic faith in any circumstances that might come up. God sent us his only son to save us so that we then would have a chance to spread the Gospel and to live our lives for the greater glory of God. It is clear that the Anglican Church has different views on the subject of Papal Infallibility. But, as Catholics of the faith we are