Catholic Intellectual Tradition
Throughout history, the Catholic intellectual tradition has shown and defined itself through literature, music and art. Equally, within these means of expression are a means to connect the human consciousness as a whole: it is through the examination of the history of the Catholic intellectual tradition that one is able to find a joining of human spirit, intellect, soul and emotion. Indeed, it is also through these creative expressions that the many facets of this approach to understanding human existence have developed. Such examples of this long standing tradition are seen in literature ancient and modern, sacred and secular as well as throughout the art world. Yet with so many sources of reference to help qualify and reflect the Catholic intellectual tradition, and so many multi-cultural and diverse opportunities to further understanding the Catholic intellectual tradition’s purpose and goals, there is a anchoring idea. At its very core, the Catholic intellectual tradition strives to produce the most full picture of what it means to be human through a variety of world views, all the taking the intellectual route in the journey towards God. This tradition is a lens through which a variety of people and cultures have been able to look, divine and contribute meaning to human life and spiritual journey. Thus, in trying to reflect more deeply on the Catholic intellectual experience, the many goals and components must be addressed. First, the Catholic intellectual tradition looks to affirm the dignity of man, as well as attempts to outline “the catholic version of the person” (Hochschild. The Catholic Intellectual Tradition At Mount St. Mary’s University). Additionally, the tradition sees intellectual pursuits as an equal pursuit of God. The intellectual as spiritual lends itself to representing people as both spiritual and physical beings, and thus capable of combing both earthly and heavenly knowledge in pursuit of the truth. Indeed, the existence of truth is
Cited: Hochschild, Joshua PhD. The Catholic Intellectual Tradition at Mount St. Mary’s.
Ingham, Mary Beth. "The Catholic Intellectual Tradition." The Catholic Intellectual Tradition. 2007. Web. 09 Mar. 2012. .
Pico, Giovanni della Mirandola. Oration on the Dignity of Man. The Western World. ed. Dr. Teresa Rupp. United States: Pearson Custom, 2012. 6-17. Print.
Thomas F.X. Noble, Barry Strauss, Duane J. Osheim, Kristen B. Neuschel, Elinor A. Accampo, David D. Roberts, and William B. Cohen. Western Civilization: Beyond Boundaries. 6th ed. Volume B: 1300-1815.