There are different types of questions. One type involves a quote (or a cartoon) that you must ‘discuss’ in reference to your outcome. You MUST explore the quote itself and then structure your essay according to the quote. You will lose many marks if you just write your standard essay and just start each paragraph connecting it to the question. So forget anything you have already written and start with the question itself.
Resilience: – the ability to recover from or adjust to unexpected change or disturbance.
(Australian Oxford Pocket Dictionary)
Using the above definition, discuss the resilience of a religious tradition you have studied, when it has been confronted by a significant challenge.
PLANNING YOUR ESSAY. It important to use reading time to mentally plan your essay and then start by writing your plan for your essay.
1) Explore the quote itself
Resilience: – the ability to recover from or adjust to unexpected change or disturbance.
This quote has a lot of possibilities. It has six sets of key words that need exploring. Let’s start at the end (which is usually the best place to start),
• ‘change or disturbance’:
o When there is a comparison like this you must ask, what is similar or different between the two alternatives. Disturbance may not lead to change, but is annoying and therefore a negative thing, whereas change could be negative or positive and has an effect which disturbance may not.
o Next you try to come up with examples related to the outcome. Luther was a disturbance to the Catholic Church, whereas the establishment of the Lutheran Church was a negative change to the church. So for ‘change or disturbance’ relates very well to our topic. You can then go through other possibilities.
• Unexpected: Where these changes or disturbances unexpected? Having new ideas was not unexpected during this time period due to the renaissance, but continuing to