Catholic Tradition
The Catholic religion has been governed by strict traditions for more than 1500 years. Catholicism itself was made legal by The Rome Emperor, Constantine, after 313 A.D. An assembly, known as The Council of The Trent, was the 16th-century Ecumenical Council of the Roman Catholic Church. This Council was responsible for the establishment of the original Catholic traditions, such as the Sacraments, church teachings, and The Eucharist, just to name a few. It was not until the 20th century, that another assemblage, known as The Vatican II Council, reshaped many of the traditions and sacraments that Catholicism was originally founded on. The Catholic Tradition revolves around two primary principles, Doctrine and Disciplines. Doctrines are teachings, from scriptures from the Holy Bible, surrounded around core beliefs that do not change. This Doctrine was instituted around 325 AD. A Christian Doctrine of The Trinity, for example, recognized God-The Father, God-The Son, and God-The Holy Spirit, as being one. Disciplines, on the other hand, are subjected to change. Some examples of disciplines may include the language of the church and baptism. Lithurgy, the central act of worship in Roman Catholicism (religious praise and worship service), has and is being continually revised to this day. There are 7 Sacraments, which are signs of God’s Love, that all Catholics abide by; Baptism, Confirmation, Euchariet, Reconciliation, Holy Orders, Matrimony, and Anointing of The Sick. The first three sacraments are necessary for the initiation of all Catholics. Baptism is a common tradition in all Christian churches. Catholics recognize wather as being essential for life. The water is essential for “washing all the sins away.” The next sacrament, known as, Confirmation or Catechism, is “of mature Christian commitment and a deepening of baptismal gifts.” (St. Anthony Messenger Press, 2010). The third sacrament is known as the Euchariet, which is known to be Holy
Cited: Donovan, C. B. (2007, August 22). Catholic Rites and Churches. Retrieved June 22, 2010, from Eternal World Television Network:
Prayer and Liturgy. (n.d.). Living Faith (student hand-out) .
St. Anthony Messenger Press. (2010). Sacraments. Retrieved June 22, 2010, from American