Issue 1 – Abortion
Abortion Article -®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection&_r=0
1) Give a statement of the issue.
The issue of Abortion is widely publicized within society and social media. Abortion by definition is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks. The most common reasons for people to have abortions are that it could have a negative impact on the mother’s life, financial instability and relationship problems.
2) Identify and explain the Catholic …show more content…
Every Religion has their own view upon the moral issue of abortion. Contrasting to Catholic views, Hinduism allows you to have an abortion if it is necessary or going to affect the Mother’s life. Hinduism allows this in case it affects the child or mothers life. For example, if a woman is too young to carry a child, Hinduism doesn’t shame you for aborting you child. Hindu believe that you must take the action that involves the least harm to anyone. They believe that if conception has taken place, it would be a sin to destroy life, this is the reason for not being able to have an abortion. Within the religion of Sikhism, abortion is forbidden as it affects the creative work of God. They believe that God created everything and is present in every being from conception, therefore being strictly forbidden in …show more content…
Each religion has different beliefs on whether abortion is morally okay or not. However, some religions believe that it is okay under the right circumstances and between a certain amount of weeks from conception. Moral conscience is considered to be an inner voice to determine which is right or wrong. Catholic consider it a place where man meets the Divine. Moral conscience helps to determine whether the moral action has goodness in the centre. Some people will profess that by their own conscience, that they can have an abortion. Hindu believe that it is up to the individual and whether it justifies their moral conscience. However when it comes to Catholic ethics, they believe that you should never have an abortion under any