In the traditional education model, students has been standardized by the test score and assignments. In this model, students only can be judged by how well they are able to memorize the information from the textbooks. This standard can figure out part of the elites that might good at remembering or getting used to and mastering the traditional education method. Davidson considers that the standardized tests were used to know students ability toward certain fields, but this tests seems misleading students currently. Davidson writes, "Our national educational policy depends on standardized tests, but it is not at all clear that preparing students to achieve high test scores is equivalent to setting a high standard for what and how kids should know and learn" (59). This situation does not match the original purpose of education and standardized tests. Tests exist as a way to figure out how well are students know about the knowledge rather than be set in higher standard for students so that they need learn more. It might mislead kids that they are study for getting higher score, and the perfect test scores could be the passport to have perfect future. This misunderstanding will cut down students' desire of learning. In that case, traditional education model only create one form of success which is through tests, and this success could happens on part of students who are good at memorizing, testing and …show more content…
Crowdsourcing refers to an interpersonal activities that sharing the sources and learn from every possible teacher. It is differ from the traditional education mode which is the one-direction model of attention, crowdsourcing looks upon the works people compete collectively. If traditional education focus on teacher and students model, which considers professor as homilist and students receive knowledge subconsciously, crowdsourcing progresses by collecting ideas and information to activate the creativity of people. Davidson thinks crowdsourcing has significant differences with traditional model. She writes, "Crowdsourcing is ‘outsourcing' to the ‘crowd', and it works best when you observe three nonhierarchical principal" (51). Those three principal includes no expertise and uniformity; no force on the solution; and the process of finding is needed. These principal informs that crowdsourcing anticipates the participation of everyone, and nobody should dominant the discussion. This new form of education enables everyone evolve into the discussion and interact with others positively. Moreover, it also exercise the ability of embrace the diversity from different aspects, such as different opinions. Davidson also encourages people unlearning, in which people should envisage the shortcoming and repair them. Davidson writes, "Confidence in your ability to learn is confidence in your ability to unlearn, to