Both poems use the metaphors of chains or ropes to symbolise the relationship between the mother and the child. In “Catrin” the “red rope” is used to symbolise the mother and child’s connection. It could mean that rope itself represents their love, and how both Catrin and the mother are spiritually tied by their love. Or the rope could literally mean the umbilical cord which is physically connecting Catrin to her mother at birth, at the beginning of the poem. In other sense the rope …show more content…
It represents the separation between the mother and her son. We can see that mother in poem is feeling a great amount of grief and pain. We can tell that she is in this pain when she says “thou, worse to me than dead.” This phase emphasis the mother grief, this shows that mother is in a lot pain, and that she feels excluded from the world around her. Through-out the poem you can that tell that mother has a great affection for her son, you can tell this by the repetition of the possessive pronoun “my”, which normal followed up by “son.” The repetition of the “my” emphasise the bond the mother and son have; also it could should that mother feels that it is her problem alone to …show more content…
It has two sections; the first section is the birth of Catrin and second section is an event in Catrin childhood when she wants to skate for an hour more. The ordered structure of poem could symbolise the hospital, a clean and ordered place. It could also symbolise the mother’s control over Catrin. In this poem Catrin’s mum has a lot of authority in Catrin’s life; the most when she is a baby. However we see in second paragraph, when Catrin is older that line length in the paragraph starts to vary more and the structure is more irregular. This could represent the control over Catrin depleting, showing that Catrin is getting more power in their