ENGL106-1004A-53 : English Composition I
Cause and Effect
September 12, 2010
In this paper I will explain the cause and effect of music censorship. This is a very touchy subject all over the world and especially in the music industry. Censorship is a practice that restricts what a person can and cannot say. Particularly profanity is what is censored in the music that we listen to today. The objective is to figure out if censorship at all violates a person’s freedom of speech and expression, and what can artist do to still express their ideas and feelings, but without the negative remarks.
There have always been people trying to silence or censor what artist has to say for as long as we can remember. This time range is from the 1950’s to present. Usually, if the record company does not control the content of music and album covers, the government will step in. (Barczak, 2001). The allowance of controversial lyrics in songs will forever remain in a heated debate along with the inalienable right which we call freedom of expression. The author Priscilla Thompson’s has an article called “Decency vs. Censorship”. This article was one that I could relate to personally because of the cultural background. Although the author Kate D 'Imperio had very valid points in her article called “Music Censorship”, such as rock music is a common target of censors alongside rap music especially because of the allusions to sex, drugs and booze, not to mention its indecipherable lyrics. Rock music has largely been seen as a form of rebellious music for just about as long as it has existed. (D 'Imperio, 2002). She elaborated on how the decency initiative, directed by human rights activist Tamika Mallory to place a ban on three offensive words such as the "n, " b" and "h" word has sparked a debate
References: Barczak, R. (2001, December 09). Music censorship & American society. Retrieved from http://music_censorship.tripod.com/ D 'Imperio, K. (2002, May 10). Music censorship. Retrieved from http://www.essortment.com/all/musiccensorship_rill.htm Thompson, P. (2007, October 04). Decency vs. censorship. Retrieved from http://www.britannica.com/bps/additionalcontent/18/27063591/Decency-vs-censorship