Cause and Effect
People all around the world want to love and be loved. We search most our lives looking for the perfect spouse. When you think you’ve found the right one, and you’re ready to spend forever together they join as one in marriage. Nevertheless, some marriages fail and the two turn to divorce. There can be numerous reasons for a divorce. Here are three major causes: lack of communication, financial problems and cheating, which are listed below. The first significant cause for divorce is lack of communication. Due to bills and finances one family can stay fairly busy with work and other activities. Therefore, they have less time to talk about problems they have with their spouse, which could be a likely reason of divorce. Some couples don’t talk with one another when a problem starts which can soon become a bigger problem when ignored. It’s understood the more communication used, the more the divorce rate will decrease. Another cause in divorce is stress in everyday living. Families who live paycheck to paycheck deal with stress from the pressure of making enough money to survive and provide the family with necessities. For instance, if the bills get behind it could start an argument between the two and that on top of being behind with bills can be overwhelming causing more stress which leads to an unhealthy relationship. Another stress factor could be getting laid off. With the economy in a recession more and more people are getting laid off their jobs because the companies can’t afford to pay the extra employees. This would cause a shortage in your monthly income and a tight budget, as a result could lead to stress and even violence. The final and most common cause for divorce is cheating. It is widely reported the male does most the cheating. However both are capable of being unfaithful. When you have found you have been cheated on you feel let down and probably even used. It is up to the spouse being cheated