Once Europe and Africa traded, the slaves were taken to the Americas to be sold. After they were sold Europe and the Americas, “traded sugar, cotton, tobacco, and rice.” In the mist of all of this families were torn apart because the men were separated from the women and children. The African Holocaust is considered to be “a crime against humanity.” It is also called Maafa which means “disaster or great tragedy.” Maafa shines light the wrong doings to Africans in the past and in present time. This is a way to show what really happens to our people in the world whether it is from centuries ago or today. The African Holocaust is a major part of African American history and it should be taken advantage of.
Learning about our ancestors being slaves was a way to show us that we will always be enslaved. Over the years we gained our First Amendment rights, which states that we have the “right to freedom of religion, speech, and the press.” Being that the rights are printed in the constitution, it seems as though African American are not supposed to live by the constitutional laws given to us. African Americans will constantly have to fight for anything we desire to have, such as education and