Notice how each supporting sentence is a cause that explains the effect mentioned in the topic sentence. In the chart below are the main ideas of the above paragraph, to help you understand the relationships better:
(Topic Sentence)
(Supporting Sentences)
Cities have grown very large.
[There are several reasons for this.] Factory jobs attracted people.
(Cities have grown very large.) Better schools attracted families to move to the city.
(Cities have grown very large.) Places of leisure, entertainment, and culture made city life appear more interesting.
Notice also how the topic sentence is followed by the "focusing" or "prediction" sentence, There are several reasons for this. Such sentences help the reader anticipate the organization of the paragraph or essay.
Cause and Effect Conjunctions
Here are some common conjunctions that can be used to express cause and effect:
since as a result because of + noun phrase because therefore due to + noun phrase consequently for this reason so
There are two things