Cause-related marketing:
To build some positive images and to show social responsibility, many companies linked themselves to these causes to increase in the growth of company. In these days, every product seems to be tied with some cause, like buy a baby dipper and help orphans. Many NGO’s are also related to these causes and giving funds to raise the cause of companies.
Cause-related marketing are now become priority for companies to access the buyers of the product. “Do well by doing good”, every companies seems to be follow that statement by linking their products to special cause and help in fund –raising or charitable organizations for special causes.
For the last 10 years cause-related marketing growth has been increased. That is why companies are awarded by special awards for appreciation of their work for social purpose, such as Halo Award, for outstanding cause-related marketing program. Following are two case studies as an example:
Case study no. 1
First case study is on the company “e-Bay”, the first e-commerce company awarded by “Golden Halo” for cause-related marketing program, like “CMF” in 2003. In which they use to give works to people.
Giving Works makes it convenient for people to raise money for their favorite causes on eBay through several avenues, like: Sellers can donate a percentage of anything, and can sell anything on any percentage; they can sell up to 100 percent, and get the same fees which they demanded, buyers can add a donation to anything which they purchase. Anyone can make an immediate cash donation; and nonprofits can sell directly to raise funds. Any person from any background can make immediate cash donation, and can sell directly without profit to raise funds.
Case study no. 2
This case study is about “The Coca-Cola Company & World Wildlife Fund”. They were the winners of Halo award in the category of Best Environmental or Animal Campaign in 2012.
As part of Coca-Cola’s “Live Positively”