The proposed research will be conducted to investigate the causes of employee turnover. Proposed study will use different research articles to develop a model which shows that job satisfaction, employee motivation and employee involvement (independent variable) has an impact on employee turnover (dependent variable). Hence the purpose of this research will be, firstly getting the perception of employees at work by conducting semi structure interviews as an instrument of data collection to explore the effect of Job satisfaction, employee motivation and employee involvement on employee turnover. Secondly semi structure interviews will be further used to find and examine whether these three factors really affect or not if yes then which factor affects closely in order to remove that one from organizations facing employee turnover issues. Different hypothesis are formed on the basis of dependent and independent variables. By using different research articles literature review has been written. Than a model is developed of job satisfaction, employee motivation and employee involvement (independent variable) and employee turnover (dependent variable).Than a theoretical framework is written on the base of these variables. Using a cross sectional research method sample of 500 employees of service organization like Banks, University (Employees), Telecommunication, EFU life insurance, Guard Technologies and Students has been selected for this research. Convenience sampling technique will be used for data collection. Data will be collected from male and females of service organizations like Banks, University (Employees), Telecommunication, EFU life insurance, Guard Technologies and Students using semi structured interview and then analyzed by using NVIVO 7. Than some limitations and delimitations are given keeping in mind what has done what is not and ethical considerations are given.