So many people are under the rate, and the government won't even bother to aid them, such as giving them jobs,money,or even shelter they need. There are so many non-profit organizations that are willing to help, but there is too many people and little time. “In Detroit, more than a third of residents live below the official poverty line. In New Orleans, two-thirds of African-American kids under the age of 5 live in poverty” (Abramsky). This situation can be solved so easily, but the government doesn't have the “time” and money to do it, although they go make the smallest differences in the US. The government should especially look at the states that are known for poverty. Government bureaucracy is diminishing the welfare system into nothing at all, they just want to lower the food stamp and the WIC …show more content…
“The budget proposes cuts in the WIC program (which supports women,infants,and children), in international and health aid (18 million people would be immediately cut off from a much-needed food stream, and 4 million would lose access to malaria medicine.) and in programs that aid farmers in underdeveloped countries” (Bittman). So many people are going to die or starve just because they want to propose a cut to the WIC program,food stamps, and medical aid. Unfortunately society can't do anything to change this and if they did, it wouldn't be a huge impact. “Yet the Republican budget proposal for the next year calls for cutting food stamps by a fifth from 2015. They would turn the program into a “block grant” to states that have far stricter budget constraints than the federal government” (Bakelman). The Republican party should just stop being greedy and start to think of the lives of others. How many more cuts are they going to make, because sooner or later they're going to give out so little money that the programs will be abolished. This is why we need the right people to maintain and keep us in order in the