is killing a lot of people. The rates for suicide climbing each year it was lower now it is higher., says that “ 7 in 100,000 children ages 15-19 die by suicide each year.” There's 318 million people in the United States this means there's 22250 deaths per year in this age group. All of these deaths are preventable with treatment. According to, 80%-90% of adolescents that seek treatment for depression are treated successfully using therapy or medication.This means there is a way to prevent suicide by observing your children’s emotions. Teen Suicide can be caused by a lot of things that happen in a boy/girl life.
One of the reasons why teen suicide is stress, but not school stress, family stress. According to Marcovitz 29, “For some teens stress caused by family problems may become too much to handle.” when family stress becomes too much for teens they decide to not deal with it anymore. Divorce is the major thing that stresses teens they don’t want to deal with the divorce of their parents. Parents put the children in between and they need to decide who to go with this happens a lot in the United States. According to Marcovitz 29 “ Current statistics indicate that 40-50 percent of all marriages in the United States will end in divorce.” Most of the divorces involve teens that get stuck in the middle. Any untreated Mental illness may cause Suicide and it's up to the parents to find out if there son needs medical attention. According to any untreated mental illness, including depression, bipolar disorder, Schizophrenia, and others may cause suicide. Many teens may have this mental disorders and parents don’t know about it. Some mental disorders get passed down from parents to children this may mean suicide is …show more content…
genetic. There's a lot of signs that teens show before they go suicidal but parents don’t know about them or think it’s something else.
Polly 44 says that “ A downshift in school grades is an important indicator of depression” The depression may be caused by bullying which is an important factor in depression. Polly 44 also says “ Most students keep up a certain performance level in school” This means students are either A’s, B’s, C’s, D’s, or F’ students. If a B students starts getting D’s in means something is happening in school and it may be depression. Polly 45 also says that “ Depression usually affects patterns in eating and sleeping” If the teens was eating normal and suddenly started not eating means that something could've happened to him. According to Polly 45 “ Teens may almost lose their appetite or find themselves eating compulsively.” This is something abnormal in teens and it should be taken as a warning. Most teens don’t lose their appetite because there body needs the energy. Also teens sleeping habits may be affected. According to Polly 45 “The individual may not sleep or it could have the opposite effect and fall asleep everywhere.” This may mean depression, stress, or other things but it means something is wrong with the teen. If the teens suddenly sleeps everywhere it may mean that he sleeps so he doesn’t deals with the real life problems. Or if he doesn’t sleep it may mean that his problems don’t let him sleep at all. The teen may have problems at school at
home at a friend’s house pretty much everywhere. Polly 46 states that “ People who are talking about killing themselves are thinking about suicide”. This is the most serious warning of all, it should be taken very seriously. Even if they are talking about killing someone else it could mean they're planning to kill themselves. Polly 46 also states that “ Even though you hear this comment at a time when someone is supposed to be having a good time you need to take it seriously”. This is no joke it is a comment that no one should say unless there thinking about it. Is up to parents to decide what to do about this. According to “ About 75 percent of those who die by suicide exhibit some suicide warning sign”. This means parents aren’t paying enough attention to their kids. Suicide is mostly preventable by listening to parents and observing their habits. Suicide ages 10-20 in the United States has a lot of cause and signs present in teens. As you can see suicide is a growing cause of death and it can be stopped. As longs as parents observe more there children they will notice the signs of teen suicide.