1.1 Identify the differences between bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.
· Bacteria- Are one cell microorganisms with a simple cellular orgaization who necleus lacks a menbrane.
· Viruses- peices of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) wrapped in a thin coat of protein that replicate only within the cells of living hosts.
· Parasites- can be protazoa, yeasts or multicellular organisms such as fungi or worms that live in or on a host to obtain nourishment without providning any beniefit to the host.
· Fungi- Group of unicellular, milticellukar or synctial spore producing organisms feeding on organic matter, which includes molds and yeasts.
1.2 Identify common illnesses and infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.
These are a few illnesses and infections caused by bacteria · MRSA · Food poisioning · Tubercuilosis · Ear infections · Throat/tonsilitis · Pneumonia · Syphilis · Gonorrhea · Chlamydia These are a few illnesses and infections caused by viruses · Common cold · Influenza · Stomach flu · Ear infections · HIV/AIDS · Pneumonia · Warts · Herpes These are a few illnesses and infections caused by fungi · Valley fever · Athletes foot · Ringworm · yeast infection These are a few illnesses and infections caused by Parasites · Malaria · sleeping sickness (which is known as Trypanosomiasis) · Worms · Leishmaniasis
1.3 Describe what is meant by infection and colonisation
Colonisation- Is where bacteria in some certain circumstances can cause illness, these can be found harmlessly living as part of the normal population of bacteria in tissue or on the skin, but do not always cause effects.
Infection- This is where bacteria/organisms which cause disease invade body tissue, establish themselves and multiply causing illness.
1.4 explain