4-H teaches life lessons and gives kids good morals. 4-H lessons and positive outcomes can be proven through emotions and responsibilities. Many people think 4-H develops kids to become killers because of the animals being raised to go straight to the slaughter once they are at the right weight. What these people don’t know is that 4-H is not just animals or slaughtering. 4-H has many different activities involved in the program. 4-H offers activities such as baking, science projects, leaderships skills, band, showing animals and many more enjoyable activities. Even if kids show animals through 4-H it does not make them become killers. 4-H allows children to learn how to care for and love different aspects of their lives. …show more content…
4-H helps to learn how to raise food in a safe harmless manner to the animals. 4-H leaders are constantly telling kids to keep animals and their pens clean, if the animal looks sick call the vet, and if people shouldn’t eat from or drink from the water or food bowls then it isn't clean enough or if someone wouldn’t lay in the pen then the animal should not lay in the pen. The animal part of fair is based on learning to raise food for families and keeping animals healthy and calm. If anyone catches anyone being harmful to the animals you will be removed from fair and could potentially be kicked out for good if what was being done was bad enough. Raising versus buying meat in store is a big difference. For one reason knowing where the meat came from and what is in the meat is safer and healthier knowing they are raised right and there is nothing bad in meat. Also, buying meat is expensive and, although it seems like raising animals is expensive too, raising is a lot cheaper and provides more meat. “My life's philosophy is that people are always going to need food, and farming is the way to feed the world," he said. "So the industry will always need someone to educate the public about what farmers provide and the importance of nutrition in a healthy lifestyle" (Curry, Vanessa 16). There are many good things about raising animals, if not having any land is a problem then finding a local farmer and buying meat from them would work or even rent some land for a few animals could help in this