
Causes Of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurological condition that affects one in forty-five children. These children affected tend to be american males. Diagnosis of ASD continue to rise every year. The three main pillars of ASD are: impaired social interactions, communications (both verbal and nonverbal), and restricted or repetitive actions. Most people diagnosed with ASD fall into the categories of: Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS), Asperger’s Syndrome (AS), or Autistic Disorder (AD, also referred to as “classic autism”). Unfortunately, ASDs do not have a cure but can be improved with treatment and medications. Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) is a category of autism. PDD-NOS …show more content…

The brain will gives off odd energy that can be interpreted to the body as “Ek! Do something to stay sane!”. A person may flap their hands, twist their hair, tap their foot, or jump. My brother, Jonathan, tended to jump when his brain worried. Jonathan received the nickname “Jumping Johnny”. However, he feels a wide range of emotions (happy, sad, etc.). All of these emotions signal the “stay sane” command to the body. People affected with PDD-NOS tend to have difficulty with change (school teacher, hair stylist, waiter, new tutor, etc.). This may result in individual activities or having a fascination with odd objects (twirl, tap, hold, etc.) which is called “stimming”. One affected may also experience inappropriate social behaviors or uneven skill development in the areas of motor sensory, visual-spatial organizational, cognitive, social and academic failure, and behavioral …show more content…

Classic Autism is the most severe form of Autism. AD affects people as early as 18 months of age. AD shares the same symptoms as Aspergers and PDD-NOS, just to a greater degree. Currently, AD is incurable. Many people with AD may never speak at all which results in a social function problem. Though, symptoms may improve with treatment and medication. AD comes with a social function problem. A person will have a hard time making friends because words are limited if at all. Children with AD will have no babbling at the age of one. A young child will have still no words by the age of sixteen months of age. Through the years, the child will physically age normally; unlike his/her social

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