Title: Cyber bullying in Hong Kong – the major causes and the possible solutions
1. To examine and analyze the majors causes for cyber bullying in Hong Kong.
2. Suggest ways for eliminating cyber bullying in accordance to the causes found.
Descriptions of the Tool(s)/Method(s) Adopted for the Data Collection
- The methods are both qualitative and quantitative.
Quantitative method - sending out questionnaires
50 questionnaires consisting 10 multiple-questions will be distributed to the younger generation aged from 11-30 in public places. Careful selection of test-takers is needed in order to strike a balance between the interviewees’ ages, gender and background (the different banding of schools). Extra copies of questionnaires will have to be bought to keep the number of valid questionnaires at 50. The questionnaires will be designed before head and tested by friends. All are multiple choices for accuracy and easy comparison. The setting of multiple choice questions should be consistent to avoid careless error. There are different sections in the questionnaire aiming at obtaining data about the main causes and possible solutions of cyber bullying in Hong Kong respectively.
Qualitative method one – carrying out in-depth interviews
4 active online-bullies will be selected through observation in online forums or on Facebook. Each engages in cyber bullying to a different extent in terms of activeness. In order not to antagonize the interviewees, the term ‘cyber bullying’ will not be mentioned. Interviews will be conducted online through MSN and the chatting record will be preserved. Questions should be designed before head, focusing on the reasons behind their engagement in cyber bullying. A list of possible follow-up questions should also be prepared. Each interview is expected to be 10-minute long.
Qualitative method two – collecting articles about solutions to cyber bullying
Articles about solutions of