Speed must be truly measured in order to understand our reaction to a given stimulus. That stimulus can be a timer on a range, or the presentation of a gun on the street. We as guardians must understand that through training we can actually make reaction faster than reaction. But first we must establish a base line for each individual officer. Once the base line is established we should constantly push the limit of speed and combat effective accuracy.
2. Violence of Action: “Controlled aggression to achieve a tactical objective. “
Controlled aggression is imperative when teaching firearms training to officers. We must understand that while training, we are no longer attempting to reach …show more content…
Fear or Lack of Commitment- Law Enforcement Officers must be totally committed to saving lives, whether it is their own or a third party’s. LEO’s need to understand that fear is normal but they must learn how to control and harness their fears. Turn fear into controlled aggression.
2. Failure to Communicate and Work Together- Leo’s need to learn to communicate in extremely stressful situations. We, as instructors, always tell Officers to never do anything alone. Arrests, searches, traffic stops are always safer with available backup officers. However, we never teach them how to shoot or gunfight together. Officers are not made to communicate nor work as a team in firearms training. How can we expect them to be able to perform this task in a real fight?
3. Arrogance- LEO’s are some of the most prideful people that can be encountered on a day to day basis. They do not enjoy having their skills questioned or their abilities truly measured. For this reason officers are lulled into a false sense of security. We have all heard or seen examples of this mentality. It is a slippery slope. We all must strive to push ourselves and understand to what extent we are