There are numerous possible causes of rectal prolapse, though no solitary cause stands out. In kids, the condition found with cystic fibrosis, a dangerous disease that causes dense, sticky mucus to accumulate in the lungs, digestive zone and other portions of the body, and whipworm, a roundworm that infects the small intestine. In grown-ups, rectal prolapse is generally related with constipation and most usually appears amid individuals with autism,
psychiatric complaints and mental retardation as well as amid the aged.
A number of risk factors are connected with rectal prolapse. Those with a long-time habit of straining during bowel movements are more likely to get this condition, and occasionally it is a late result of the process of childbirth. In some rare cases, heredities might play a role. Rectal prolapse is more recurrent amid the aged because the aging procedure might play a role, aged patients may experience stretching of the ligaments supporting the rectum inside the pelvis as well as dwindling of the anal sphincter muscle. Other risk features include neurological disorders such as spinal cord transection and spinal cord disease, as well as sweeping pelvic floor dysfunction, which overlaps the urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.
To know more about Ayurvedic treatment of this disease, you can visit daya Ayush Therapy Center.