Based on events in history, the main causes of the Russian Revolution could have been drastic poverty and a growing politicized work force. “In 1916, a full three-quarters of the Russian population was comprised of peasants who lived and farmed in small …show more content…
Every positive things followed after the russian revolution, but it also brought very negative circumstances. First off the people finally got somewhat of a say. “ One positive outcome is that the czarist rule comes to an end and gives say to the workers and peasants. This is also a negative effect because communism replaces czarist rule.” (The Russian Revolution) before the revolution the workers had no say and this is one of the reason the revolution started in the first place. Even though they got rid of the Czarist rule the russians were forced into communism. Another positive thing that the russian citizens got from the russian revolution were benefits. “The result was free education, health care, the widespread introduction of universal and equal election right, which did not exist in Russia and many countries of the West before 1917” (Pravdareport) before the russian revolution most russians were every poor and could barely afford to live let alone play for healthcare and education. “Another positive effect was that Lenin made the eight-hour working day, which greatly improved working conditions.” (Pravdareport) before the revolution farmers and labours had to work as many hours as they could. The people were pleased after the eight-hour day was introduced. One negative effect was the spread of communism around the world that was the reason for World War II. (The Russian Revolution) Not only did the russian people have to deal with communism it spread around the world to other