Water pollution can cause many illnesses and diseases to the human population that could possibly be fatal.…
Many instances such as dumping are causing the water resource to be polluted by bacteria and other harmful…
Water pollution has become a major problem in our water sources. People think that when they litter or dump in our waters that their little contribution will not hurt anything, but everyone’s little contributions add up to some major problems. Our water ecosystems and the species that reside in them are being destroyed and we need to take the steps necessary to stop this. Why would anyone use the source of most of the world’s food as a dumping ground for garbage? People need to start realizing what it is they are doing when they do not take the proper steps to dispose of their garbage and the problems they are making for the future.…
There are many types and causes of water pollution because water comes from many different sources. Here are some kinds of water pollution:…
Studies found that sewage waste is the main cause of water pollution in India. The problem is caused by the poor treatment of dumping sewage and the failure to maintain sewage treatment plants. The Central Pollution Control Board, a company that monitors environmental issues in India, has created the National Water Quality Monitoring Network, which monitors the quality of waters all year. The network monitors waters all over India. Samples of water are taken frequently and checked for bacteria and other harmful substances within the water. Other ways of sewage treatment include air flotation, dual media filter, activated carbon filter, sand filtration and sludge drying beds. These methods all take place in sewage treatment plants. Water treatment plants are very expensive and are needed to be maintained constantly. Removal of sludge is said to be the most untreated area of water treatment. This is because of the poor design and poor maintenance of the sludge treatments. India has set policies to control sewage pollution in water. the Ministry of Environment and Forests has created financial and technical support systems to promote the proper treatment of water. The problem with India’s water treatment is that the government is not putting enough effort into making the water usable for its citizens. The government should promote the health hazards and future issues of water pollution so the citizens can learn to treat their water better. Informing citizens is also a way of treatment because people will be aware of the issues water pollution will cause for them and therefore they will take action.…
The ultimate source of energy in an ecosystem is either light energy from the sun or chemical energy from compounds originating deep within Earth.…
Therefore, heavy metal and other toxic chemicals, such as cadmium and mercury, solvents and pesticide enter the water treatment and cause threat to all things. Many of these substances come from industries and business that dispose of chemical in their wastewater as a part of the regular water that’s being tested. The chemical usually come from hazardous household items such as cleaning products, paints and pesticides. Some include lead and copper in the wastewater cording the pipes and causing serious toxins to spread. Thus, the wastewater treatment can only clean small amounts. The main problem caused by water pollution is that it kills organisms that depend on these water bodies. Moreover, it disrupts the food-chains for aquatic animals and the food they consume. Therefore, people can get disease such as hepatitis by eating seafood that has been poisoned. Some of these chemicals release release oils, poisonous chemicals, and other wastes into water. The use of chemicals in farming is one example. Farmers use some chemicals as fertilizers, or substances added to soil to help crops grow. They use other chemicals as pesticides or herbicides. These are substances that kill pests or weeds. When these chemicals seep into the ground, they may make the groundwater unfit to drink. Chemicals also may drain into rivers and lakes,…
Water pollution has become a large global issue, especially in developing countries where it is a struggle to find clean drinking water for the inhabitants of the region. There are currently seven different types of water pollution; sewage, disease causing agents, sediment pollution, inorganic plant and algal, organic compounds, radioactive substances, and thermal pollution. These seven types can be categorized into three main types; biological, chemical, and physical. This paper will discuss chemical pollution in main water systems.…
Water is probably the most important resource we as people have. Humans can survive without food for several weeks, but without water we would die in less than a week. On a slightly less dramatic note, millions of liters of water are needed every day worldwide for washing, irrigating crops, and cooling industrial processes, not to mention leisure industries such as swimming pools and water-sports centers. Despite our dependence on water, we use it as a dumping ground for all sorts of waste, and do very little to protect the water supplies we have.…
decrease the amount of oxygen found in it. The living things in the lake need…
Environmental scientists at the Natural Resources and Environment Institute at Bach Khoa University in Ho Chi Minh City were appointed reporting to the authorities on river pollution…
However, the rapid growth of industrialization is not the only cause that leads to water pollution in Hanoi; climate changes and using old-dated technology to treat water also impact significantly on the quality of water. Water pollution has left huge problems in Hanoi. Above all, it affects heath negatively because the polluted water sources may produce an increase in disease such as respiratory diseases, water-borne diseases and intestinal sickness among people who live near that polluted environment. Yet, it also affects other economic activities such as agriculture, aquatic sports, fishery and tourism;…
Industrialization is considered the shortest way to help Vietnam escape from poverty. Thanks to industrialization and modernization, since Doi Moi (Renovation), Vietnam has overcome poverty threshold in 2010, entered the middle-income countries. However, besides these outstanding achievements, we are faced with serious environmental challenges. According to statistics of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the country has nearly 4,000 production facilities, more than 1,500 villages has polluted and more than 200 industrial parks need to be controlled of their emission. In an article of Tuoitrenews (Wed, May 2, 2012), we were informed of reality of Vietnam’s environment:…
A long lasting effect on the aquatic plants and animals of Cambodia has been created because of the water pollution. The deaths due to the different water born diseases are readily increasing. Different types of poisonous sewage wastes, plastic packets in the water bodies have killed many aquatic animals and plants. Deaths caused from water born diseases are increased in an alarming number. Other than the floods there are many other causes of water pollution in Cambodia. The causes are waters running from industries and factories, septic tanks, wastes from hospitals, oil secretion from the water vehicles and wastes thrown from the construction sites are some of them. Phnom Penh is an industrial area and the waters are highly polluted from thrown from the industries. In the agricultural areas the poisonous pesticides…
Domestic sewage pollution is the pollution caused to the earth by domestic use. It contain of sewage originating primarily from kitchen,bathroom, and laundry sources and also waste from food preparation, dishwashing, garbage, toilets, baths, showers, and sinks. Sewage is the term used for wastewater that often contains faeces, urine and laundry waste. Sewage disposal is a major problem in developing countries as many people in these areas don’t have access to sanitary conditions and clean water. Untreated sewage water in areas without access to sanitary conditions can contaminate the water, which can result with diseases.…