5.1 Introduction
From the previous chapters, the researcher has been able to do in-depth research and studies of the existing Cave Bureau environment. In this chapter, the researcher will be able to make design conclusions based on the research carried out, and make recommendations specific to the spaces undergoing redesigns. The recommendations given will include designs, materials and finishes.
5.2 Summary of Data Analysis and Findings
5.3 Recommendations
5.3.1 Recommendations for Interior Architecture
It has been noted that because of the unique environment of the Cave Bureau, which consists of an art gallery and office spaces, the researcher does not see any need for introducing physical …show more content…
Within this space, it has been noted that there is neither an area set aside for a receptionist, nor an informal seating area for guests or for recreation for the Cave Bureau personnel. A desk will be introduced into the space, which will visually communicate the presence of a reception area. A small section within the space will also be partitioned using pedestal plant displays. The rest of the space will be maintained as an open space to allow for free movement within the gallery. A temporary detachable structure that will provide a surface for artwork to be hung, will additionally act as a partition within the space. The wall shared by the gallery and the adjacent filing room will be re-designed to create a permanent partition that acts as a display unit, maintains the open feel of the environment, but ensures adequate privacy within that …show more content…
This is sterile and is easy to clean. Kitchenette
The east wall should be painted white, while the remaining walls should receive a matte black paint finish. Proposed Conference Room and Prayer Room
The existing filing room should contain the proposed Cave Bureau conference room. The conference room is a space that requires the people within it such as personnel and clients, to be at ease when making or viewing presentations. Using colour psychology and the knowledge that the colour green has a calming effect on human beings, the walls should have an olive green paint finish. Window treatments
The existing windows in the office, kitchenette and restroom shoud be maintained as they are. The office windows which function as doors are clear glass framed with recycled mahogany. The kitchen and washroom windows are frosted glass framed with steel. Door treatments