The cave man changed the course of history for ever when he discovered fire, with the discovery of fire it opened up a lot of doors for man. Now with the ability to cook meat and create a large range of foods it furthered man’s creativeness pushing them to challenge their ability to think on a greater extent, that’s where domestication of animals comes into play, when food becomes scares and the time out hunting longer and more draining, man has yet again put its power to think in great use by keeping cattle stocked up in an easy accessible place, …show more content…
In the past where once if man wanted to use a map, listen to the radio or watch a movie they had to do those things individually, all accessible at different locations. Yet again man has flourished in attaining the creative capability of challenging themselves, by creating all those materials and more into a hand held device. It isn’t just technology that has progressed, medicine has also improved. Illnesses that were once considered a death sentence are now treatable. With man’s growing knowledge of his health and function of the body has helped significantly to understand the causes of certain illnesses. And to this day man’s knowledge is still growing, because there is no limit to what man can challenge themselves