Materials Science
Version No.
Course Prerequisites/ Corequisites/ antirequisites :
To enable the students to understand the nature of different types of materials namely
Conducting, Semi conducting, Dielectrics, Magnetic and Superconducting materials.
Expected Outcome:
This course will be the base to understand the various concepts involved in the applications of materials in Engineering and Technology.
Unit 1
Conducting material
10 hours
Drude – Lorentz Classical free electron theory of metals –electrical conductivity – relaxation time – drift velocity –Matthiessen’s rule – thermal conductivity – Wiedemann
–Franz law- drawbacks of classical theory; Kronig-Penny Model, Quantum theory
(derivation) and its success – Band theory of solids.
Unit 2
Semiconductor materials
15 hours
Introduction to statistical Physics – Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics, Bose-Einstein statistics and Fermi-Dirac statistics (qualitatively) – Density of energy state.
Semiconductors – p and n type – Effective mass of hole and electron – direct and indirect band gap semiconductors – Variation of Fermi level with respect to temperature and carrier concentration in intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors; Hall effect – theory – experimental proof- Hall sensor- solar cell-principle and working.
Unit 3
Dielectric and Magnetic Materials
20 hours
Polarization and dielectric constant - dielectric susceptibility - electric field inside a dielectric – macroscopic and microscopic electric field – Clausius – Mosotti relation Polarization mechanisms – electronic, ionic and orientation - Temperature dependence of dielectric constant – Complex dielectric constant - Frequency dependence – Debye equation - dielectric breakdown – types - dielectric materials as electrical insulators – examples. Magnetic parameters
References: 2. Solid State Physics: Structure and Properties Materials, M. A. Wahab, Alpha Science International, 2005. 3. Elements of Solid State Physics, J. P. Srivastava, PHI Learning Private Ltd., 2011. 4. Introduction to Solid State Physics, Seventh Edition, Wiley-Inida, 2011. 5. Solid State Physics, Neil W. Ashcroft, N. David Mermin, 2011. 6. Semiconductor Physics and Devices, Donald A Neamen and D Biswas, Tata McGraw Hill, Special Indian Edition, 2012.