Combining CBT and medication to threat OCD
Despite the effectiveness of CBT and medication as therapies for OCD. Some studies indicate that receiving these methods alone are only mildly to moderately effective in treating OCD.
Some individuals with OCD may also benefit from combining CBT treatment with one or more medications
A recent study performed with children and adolescents has verified that the combination of CBT and medications presented better results than the use of medications alone.67
But it is important to stress that CBT is the primary treatment for OCD.
Numerous research studies completed over the past fifteen years have concluded that CBT is the most effective treatment for OCD. (OCD Centre of Los Angles, 2012).
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59. Sousa MB, Isolan LR, Oliveira RR, Manfro GG, Cordioli AV. A randomized clinical trial of cognitive-behavioral group therapy and sertraline in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder. J Clin
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F. Group