Empire of Crime Video Part 1 (A&E)
o New York Mafia—five families o Bootlegging was initial business o Cohesion, discipline, organization—Made mafia successful
They relied on Money and Muscles o Joe Valachi—first to publicly acknowledge existence of mafia o Vito Genovese
Godson interviewed in this film, Ralph Caglioti
Frank Caglioti—baker, trucks used for bootlegging by mob. o Mayor of New York's dad was threatened o Irish and Jewish gangs made up New York before mafia o Joseph Bonanno
° His son is interviewed in this film
° 1924 moved to Williamsburg, NY
° Met Salvatore Ferraqamo and started working for mob o Arnold Rothstein—fixed game between Reds and white Sox
Most of the original gangsters started out working him
"Hitting the Mattresses" o Charles "Lucky" Luciano initialized end of street war o The Commission
There is no one person that tells the others what to do
"Gangster Circuit" o Night clubs were the place to be seen for gangsters o Same famous entertainers played at all the different clubs
Duke Ellington o Newspapers, Radio perpetuated the image of "the gangster" – they were paid off to go easy on the mafia o Hoover—Director of the FBI—said the mafia was a myth
Rumors that Hoover was gay, cross-dressed, and the mafia had the power to ruin
"The Rackets" o Myer Lansky(Jewish) and Lucky Luciano—important relationship o Murder Inc.—Anastasia "The Mad Hatter" o Thomas E. Dewey—
Murdered by Dutch Shultz?
"The Waterfront" o ILA—Small Union, 50,000 members, powerful o Tony Anastasia—Brother of the "Mad Hatter"—ran the docks o 18 Dock bosses—position of great power, many killed
"The Garden" o Mafia controlled boxing, Among one of Rackets o Closest sport to murder, without actually committing it o Bert Sugar—boxing reporter interviewed in this film o AN important part o Frank Carbo
Controlled the managers of fighters
Controlled by Mafia o Jake Lamata
Boxing Legend
Movie "The Raging Bull"
Bill Fox Fight 1947—first