1. List the three layers of a typical hierarchical design model :
Access, Distribution, Core
2. Describe the characteristics and the main purpose of the Access Layer:
Interface with end devices to provide access to the rest of the network.
Is to provide a means of connecting devices to the network and controlling which devices are allowed to communicate on the network.
3. Describe the characteristics and the main purpose of the Distribution Layer:
Controls the flow of network traffic using policies and delineates broadcast domains by performing routing functions between VLANs.
4. Describe the characteristics and the main purpose of the Core Layer:
The high speed backbone of the internetwork. Aggregates the traffic from all distribution layer devices and also connect to Internet resources.
5. What is a Virtual LAN (VLAN)?
Allow you to segment the traffic on a switch into separate sub networks.
6. List and briefly describe the Benefits of a Hierarchical Network:
Scalability – allows you to replicate design elements as the network grows.
Redundancy – increase availability
Performance – communication is enhanced
Security – improved and easier to manage
Manageability –
Maintainability –
7. What is meant by “Network Diameter” as a Hierarchical Network Design Principle?
It is the number of devices that a packet has to cross before it reaches its destination.
8. Define Network device latency:
Network device latency is the time spent by a device as it processes a packet or frame.
9. What is Bandwidth Aggregation and how is it normally implemented?
This is the combining of two or more connections to create a logically singular higher bandwidth connection.
10. Cisco has a proprietary link aggregation technology called EtherChannel, which allows multiple Ethernet links to be consolidated.
11. Define redundancy:
The employment of multiple network paths between switches.
12. How and why do modern networks use redundant links between hierarchical