In this 21st century, Computers are essential for every fields and industry around the world. A world without computers is hardly imaginable. Computer comes with software and hardware. Every physical components of computer such as speaker, mouse, keyboard, printer and monitor comes under the hardware whereas all programs and language used by the computer are called software. This day, computers are not only tools for scientist and engineer but also they are being used by billions of people around the world including corporation and government.
Computers are a primary means of local and global communication for billions of people. Through the usage of computers, society is able to access the information around the globe and gaining information in matter of seconds. Computer has been used in various ways depend on the needs of the users. For example, in the workplace, employees use computers to create correspondence such as e-mail messages, generating invoices and calculate payroll. At school, it is use to assist student to conduct research and completing their assignments.
Nowadays computer has become very important due to its advancement and makes many tasks to be completed easily. The computer has changed society today as much as the industry revolution. People in various fields, including finance, government, health, science, publishing, travel, military and manufacturing uses different varieties of computer hardware, computer software and communication capabilities according their needs and tasks. In addition they can reap benefits from breakthrough and advance in these fields. It is undoubtedly that computers are extremely important for peoples in this globalized era.
Content Page no. | Table of content | 1 | Introduction | 2 | Content | 3 | The Finance Field | 4-5 | Brief Introduction of software and Computer Software used in Finance field | 6-7 | Brief Introduction of hardware and Computer Hardware used in Finance field
References: Discovering Computers, Shelly Cashman Series, Shelly & Vermaat (2012)