Did you know that Cebu will soon have a couple of fully functional and operating solar power plants? Let's get to know them . . .
First Toledo Solar Energy Corp. (fka SunAsia Energy Inc.)
Location: Hacienda Baltao, Talavera, Toledo City
Production Capacity: 60 MW
Status: Dispatching Power
We may know Toledo for copper mining and coal-fired power plants, but Toledo is also home to the largest solar power plant in Cebu. First Toledo Solar is expected to reduce carbon emissions by 1.72 million metric tons in 20 years. It recently obtained P4.375-billion loan from the Development Bank of the Philippines as partial funding for its construction. The plant is currently eyeing eligibility …show more content…
Location: Tominjao and Pajo, Daanbantayan
Production Capacity: 25MW
Status: Non-Compliant with RESHERR
CeKo Solar, a Filipino-Korean collaboration, was supposed to be a promising investment that will provide some 300 jobs and help in the recovery of storm-stricken Daanbantayan. It signed a memorandum of agreement with the local government in October 2014, barely a year after Typhoon Yolanda hit the northern town of Cebu. Groundbreaking took place on September 25, 2015. Construction works were to start right away so the plant will be operational by middle of 2016.
Unfortunately, the project was halted in January 2016 for failing to meet standards under the Milestone Approach and the Renewable Energy Safety, Health and Environment Rules and Regulations (RESHERR). CeKo Solar was supposed to be the first solar power plant in Cebu, way ahead of First Toledo Solar. As of March 31, 2016, CeKo Solar is under the watchful eye of the DOE.
Bogo Solar Power (Energy Development Corporation EDC)
Location: Bogo City
Production Capacity: 15 …show more content…
and set up a 60-MW solar power plant. It has yet to start its operations. However, as of March 31, 2016, the DOE reported that Menlo is behind its financial obligations and will be issued show cause letter due to nonpayment. As of August 2016, MRC's board of directors has raised the company's authorized capital from P1.5 billion to P5 billion. The capital increase will help fund MRC's renewable energy projects, including Menlo in Naga. Hopefully, this would solve Menlo's financial