Sheetal Singla*, Bhai Gurdas Instiutute of Engineering & Technology, Sangrur
It is a frequently used approach in marketing for all brands. In India, celebrities are idolized as Gods and marketers have been trying their best to tap on this emotional connect with the celebrities. Today, most of the popular brands are being endorsed by a famous personality either from entertainment industry or sports arena. This has proved to be a boon for the marketers. A lot of money spent by the companies on celebrity endorsement contracts show that celebrities play a vital role for the advertising industry. This paper focuses on examining the influence of celebrities on consumer behavior, strategies adopted by companies to promote their brands.
Keywords: Celebrities, Entertainment industry, Consumers 1. Introduction:
Advertising in India, started with hawkers. Then Indian advertising now got converted into a promotional tool. First advertising to cash in on star power was Lux soap. Today celebrity endorsement is a buzzword. It looks that without a Film or Sports star, companies don 't want to give you anything. Celebrities are people who enjoy specific public recognition by a large number of certain groups of people. They have some characteristic attributes like attractiveness, extraordinary lifestyle or special skills that are not commonly observed. Thus, it can be said that within a society, celebrities generally differ from the common people and enjoy a high degree of public awareness. The crescendo of celebrities endorsing brands has been steadily increasing over the past years. Marketers overtly acknowledge the power of celebrities in influencing consumer-purchasing decisions. The consumer tries to consume a brand which has the maximum fit with his/her own personality/image. The celebrity endorser fits in between these two
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