Volume 5 Issue 2 [Year - 2014]
ISSN 2319 – 9202
Ms. Jyoti Kasana
Assistant Professor
Lakshmibai College
Deptt. Of Commerce
(University of Delhi)
Mr. Naveen Chaudhary
Assistant Professornaveenchaudhary1711@gmail.com
Lakshmibai College
Deptt. Of Economics
(University of Delhi)
The practice of celebrity endorsements has proliferated over time. Now days it has become a pervasive element of advertising industry especially in India. Celebrity endorsement business has become a multi-million industry in India. Marketers use celebrity endorsers to influence the purchase decision of consumers in order to increase their sales and extend their market shares.
This made the author curious to explore the impact of celebrity endorsements on consumer buying behaviour.
This paper focuses on examining the perception of Indian consumers about celebrity endorsements, examining the celebrity attributes likely to influence consumer purchase intentions and finally the impact of celebrity endorsements on their purchase intention.
This project begins with the review of existing literature available on celebrity endorsements, which provides an insight into the research topic and clarifies many important aspects related to the subject. A quantitative method is used for this research project to investigate the perceptions
International Research Journal of Commerce Arts and Science http:www.casirj.com Page 319
Volume 5 Issue 2 [Year - 2014]
ISSN 2319 – 9202
of the consumer, attributes and its subsequent impact on purchase intention. The data is collected through a questionnaire and later analysed using the data analysis software program SPSS.
It was proven in this research that consumers find celebrity endorsements more attractive and influential as compared to non-celebrity endorsements. Moreover, the tested attributes show
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