infect men, women and children around the world. Furthermore, I’ll explain what this disease is, the symptoms you can get, as well as how Celiac affects your body, mind, and diet.
In the United States, the overall prevalence of celiac disease in children up to 5 years of age is 1 in 104 .
It has affected many children over the past years, and throughout time doctors have suggested that they go on a gluten-free diet. They must be on a strict diet, the reason why they strongly recommend it is because it’ll help control the systems, improve quality of life and decrease the risks of complications in the future. For children it is harder to start being on a gluten diet because they are kids and they like food that have gluten. Anu Garg and Rajkumar Gupta from ISRN Otolaryngology wrote this article, “Predictors of Compliance to Gluten-Free Diet in Children with Celiac Disease.” Garg and Gupta addressed that, “A well-planned gluten-free diet may provide adequate nutrition, it may be restrictive. Strict adherence to gluten-free diet may be more challenging in children and adolescents than in adults. Compliance to GFD varies from 45% to 81% in children as reported by the North American Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition.” (Garg and Gupta). Garg and Gupta point is that children with Celiac disease having trouble maintaining a gluten diet, whereas adults don't mind because they’re older understand. This disease is rare, but common in a way, in order to maintain in a better shape rather than getting sick, you must start getting on a gluten free
This can change your whole lifestyle on what you’ve been eating. This disease is not easy it's quite painful and can make you feel like you're having sharp pains in your stomach. For adults it’s a little different compared as to be a child, adults are older so their bones and immune system is more fragile. They really need to take precautions with this disease, any little thing they forgot to take or accidentally eat a food with gluten in it can cause some serious damage. Alicea Ronni from Aging Well wrote this article, “Celiac Disease in Older Adults” Ronni points that, “Older adults diagnosed with celiac disease and/or their caregivers will benefit from expert dietary consultation from a knowledgeable registered dietitian. Because misconceptions of diet liberalization can impact patients' quality of life and expectations for health, understanding the nuances of celiac disease will allow better management of aging celiac patients” (Ronni). In other words, Ronni believes that being an adult and having Celiac disease affects you more. As an adult by being on a gluten free diet, you lack all your key nutrients so that is why she suggests you take vitamins and minerals. The ones you should most likely take are vitamins B, D, calcium, iron, and magnesium.
Studies have shown over the years, the number of people with Celiac disease increasing. Having Celiac will cause you to have these signs and Gastrointestinal symptoms, Skin rash, Brain and nervous system disorders, Fatigue and depression. Gastrointestinal is having regular bouts of diarrhea, belly pain, bloating and excessive gas. When unabsorbed nutrients such as carbohydrates arrive in your colon, bacteria in your colon will break down these nutrients. This fermentation process creates large amounts of gas, which can make you feel bloated and uncomfortable, and result in excessive flatulence. By getting a skin rash that may be a sign you have Celiac disease. This would be called Dermatitis herpetiformis it'll make your skin itch as well has having a blistering rash on your elbows, forearms, back, knees, scalp, or buttocks. If you get brain and nervous system disorders that basically means you are getting a major migraine headaches that you've never got before. The headaches may occur every now and then, or they can be severely debilitating. You can also feel your hands or legs a little tingling which is part of having Celiac. You can also develop fatigue and depression, Celiac disease isn't a comfortable disease to have, the symptoms affect your body in the way you'll feel like it's a permanent pain. Your eating habits will change due to having a gluten free diet. All that change for one person is a lot to handle. Not being able to sleep due to low iron levels is one of the symptoms you’ll have and this can cause major depression. The last symptoms would be your bones and teeth, they will become weak because of the vitamins and minerals you’re missing out on. That is why when you have a gluten-free diet, you should take some vitamins and minerals on the side to maintain your balance, strong bones, and teeth.
In order to get better, you need to do some of these steps/treatments to better yourself as well as your health. Brandy Gassner from Alive: Canada's Natural Health & Wellness Magazine wrote the article, “Learn How To Manage Celiac Disease” Gassner addressed that, “Each person will have his or her own way of overcoming the issues they face while living with celiac disease. A large part of a person’s success will depend on their outlook and support network. Although it may be a challenge at first, these lifestyle changes will make those with celiac disease feel healthier, happier, and more vibrant. As the body finally absorbs nutrients properly, they’ll feel better and regain control of their health.” (Gassner). Gassner point is that by doing these steps for this disease can help you become better, this is a treatment that is well known to be used when having Celiac disease. If you don't start this treatment right away you may end up in the hospital bed, due to loss of vitamins and minerals as well as the pain that comes with having Celiac. It's better to have a routine with the same system you are going on to live longer and healthier. So that means gluten free diet and taking your vitamins and minerals. Treatments and steps on becoming healthier from this disease, get your daily dose of water is most important. You should also get some exercise to keep your body moving, maybe have a friend join you on a work out. Being around positive people will help you stay grounded and not make you feel so depressed due to having this disease.
Celiac disease is a multifactorial chronic inflammatory condition which is not a good thing to get at a young age or even when you're older. It causes you to change your eating habits, that is not always easy to do. This condition can affect your body, in ways you can’t imagine. It's not a good feeling either, you can have severe pain if you don't do the treatments and take the right vitamins for this disease. Researchers have shown that having Celiac disease can cause abdominal pain, distension, diarrhea, malnutrition, and the lack to do things in the years you have been diagnose with this disease. All these systems are due to damage to your mucosal lining of the small intense. You can also get type 1 diabetes mellitus this can be a very high risk of you getting this because of Celiac disease, as well as not taking care of yourself. An example would be if you're on gluten-free diet, you're missing out on fiber and nutrients so in order to have that in your systems, you have to supplement the food that contains those things into vitamins and minerals. Another one can be where in the few years of having Celiac disease can slow down your body and make you feel like you don't want to do anything. So to make sure that doesn't happen to you, make sure to exercise every day, be around positive people to motivate you to be happy everyday, also have a positive mind. Aaron Sams and John Hawks from Human Biology wrote the article “Celiac Disease as a Model for the Evolution of Multifactorial Disease in Humans.” Sams and Hawks explains that, “The complications of CD go far beyond the classical symptoms into other aspects of biology and health. CD can cause vitamin (D and K) and micronutrient (calcium, iron, folate) deficiencies, with prolonged cases often leading to conditions such as rickets, osteoporosis, and anemia.” (Sams and Hawks). Sams and Hawks point is that Celiac disease doesn't just cause a couple minor symptoms, but as well as ones that can lead to major things where it can limit your life. You can also be on bed rest due to not having the right food or vitamins in your system because of the disease taking over, making you too weak to eat or do anything active.
Now that this disease is starting to become more noticeable even though it's not common, the fact that it's not makes the disease to be more at risks for people to have it. That's why doctors and scientists are testing patients to see whether or not they may have or can endure this disease because it may run in your family. Homer Wiland, Walter Henricks, Thomas Daly from BMC Gastroenterology wrote the article, “Limited utilization of serologic testing in patients undergoing duodenal biopsy for Celiac Disease”. Wiland, Henricks, Daly addressed that, “For patients with an appropriate clinical history, diagnostic tools for the workup of celiac disease can be divided into three categories; serologic assays to measure celiac-associated autoantibodies, and duodenal biopsy to document the presence of villous atrophy.” (Wiland, Henricks, and Daly). Wiland, Henricks, and Daly point is that most likely this disease has not been heard from anyone but that's because it's rare but common. You can inherit it or be diagnose with it in the near future due to certain things like eating unhealthy or not getting the right fibers and minerals in your system. This disease can happen to anyone, even people who eat and are very healthy. Sometimes when people think they may have Celiac disease they could be wrong and it could just be they’ve been eating too much junk food that's why they would feel they have bad pains in their stomach. Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia have a written article, “Celiac Disease 2016.” The Encyclopedia addressed that, “Cases of celiac disease are often misdiagnosed because it lacks typical symptoms specific to it but shares symptoms, many of them a result of serious nutrient deficiencies, with a variety of other digestive diseases” (Funk & Wagnalls). Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia point is that not everyone can get this disease but most likely half can be diagnosed with Celiac. Sometimes people don't know whether or not they may have this disease. False accusations can be made when it's just a minor sickness they’re feeling. Doctors can even make an assumption of someone having Celiac disease due to the reaction they get from a certain symptom of this disease. It can also mean nothing, but they would recommend you are aware of what's going on just in case.
In my opinion I would think being diagnosed with this disease isn’t that good, it changes everything about yourself. The way you feel, all of sudden you’ll feel weak or tired especially if you don’t maintain to stay active and exercise. I think that could really change how a person feels about themselves. Then the fact you can’t eat regular food, it has to be gluten-free that's not always so satisfying. I feel like having Celiac disease can affect your body and mental health, if you’re not in a good place with yourself or have a positive mind. This disease is pretty bad but not worse compared to other disease’s I’ve seen or read. From what I read this disease can miss up your stomach, to where you probably can’t even eat anything anymore due to the pain it would cause. I could relate to this, because I eat very poorly which makes me feel sick at times to where I can’t eat anymore or it hurts to eat. Which I know it’s not good to do. Even having bad eating habits can maybe lead to having Celiac disease or other things as well.
Imagine having Celiac disease affect everything about yourself and your body, it wouldn’t be a good thing. I mean look at all the symptoms it comes with, and the treatments you would have to do to be in good shape and get better from this disease. Like a gluten- free diet, taking vitamins and minerals everyday, exercising being around positive people. Even healthy people can get this disease, they may not even know it yet. It’s a rare but common disease that doctors are now testing people to make sure they don’t have it. I would recommend to eat as healthy as possibly, exercise everyday, be positive, and take care of yourself so you don’t get Celiac disease. Take these suggestions so in the near future you won’t have to come across this disease, but remember even healthy people can get so try to go to the doctors monthy to get a check up and make sure you don’t have it. I mean would you want to be diagnosed with Celiac Disease?