Plant Cell
Amenity/Structure/Point of Interest
Cell Wall
Rigid layer enclosing the plant cell provided support
Cell Membrane
Walls, floors and ceiling: The cells walls are a strong layer around the cell just like the restaurants build.
A thin layer of lipids which regulates what substance enter and leave the cell
Maitre'd (person who greets customers):
The cells membrane is what lets items in and out of the cell. This compares to the greeter letting people into the restaurant.
produces energy controls water, recycles old proteins and fats
Chef: The chef prepares and supplies the food for the restaurant, must like the mitochondria the power plants that provide all energy and food the cell needs to function Mitochondria
absorbs sunlight and uses it to produce food
(energy) for the cell
the area inside the cell membrane gel like substance which offers support for organelles
The lights and power generator: The restaurant is lit up by the lights and the generator much like how the chloroplast involves light and generates food for the cell
Tables and chairs that fill the restaurant: they offer support to those inside the restaurant and fill up all the space just like the cytoplasm in the cell.
small organelles filled with enzymes that break down food and waste products and busboys Garbage/ recycling cans: these keep the restaurant clean just like the lysosomes do for the cell and recycle leftover materials
the “brain” of the cell regulates all cell activity
Office of the manager: the nucleus is where everything in the cell is controlled just like it would be in the manager’s office.
Small particles of RNA and protein which are found through the cytoplasm Chefs butcher block: Proteins are assembled in Ribosomes just like the food is